ghostly ships at wannsee

contemporary works in honor of otto protzen

Vorona Galerie – 12.04.-24.05.2024

facing the waves with comfort (Thea III.), 100 x 140 cm, oil, ink on canvas

withstand the forces of nature (Sonderklassen-Yacht 1911), 30 x 50 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

lines and leaves (Kielschwertyacht Wannsee Okt. 1912), 120 x 150 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

glide silently over the underwater world (Rennyacht des Herrn Dr. Oppenheim, entw. Max Oertz 1900), 120 x 150 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

twilight over dreamt precision (15 qm Segeljolle Entwurf Jan. 1914), 120 x 120 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

silently passing by (Skizze für Segelareal), 120x 120 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

viewing storm raising over horizon, 140 x 100 cm, oil, ink on canvas

symmetry over flaming entrophy (Kielschwertyacht, Wannsee 1912), 100 x 140 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

Josas Traum vom Wind, 90 x 180 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

iceflowers blooming towards the hull (Sonderklassenyacht Bau Nr. 287), 100 x 50 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

power giving birth of elegance (Rennyacht Seiner Majestät 1900), 50 x 90 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

the aim in front of us (Reisekajak), 80 x 80 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

impending expectations (Nationale Kreuzer-Yacht 1912), 80 x 80 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

we shall be very fast (Sonderklassenyacht 1911), 80 x 80 cm, acrylic, ink on canvas

dreams reflected from the shoreline (Nationale Kreuzeryacht, VSaW), 80 x 80 cm, ink on canvas